What Do Successful Leaders Do?

I don’t think of myself as a leadership expert or guru, nor do I try to imply that I’ve figured it all out. I just consider myself a person that strives to consistently be better for those that I lead and whom I have responsibilities and obligations. That desire to want to improve as a leader led me to contemplate a very relevant question “What do successful leaders do?”

7 Things Successful Leaders Do

Of course, my research resulted in an overwhelming list of traits, habits, and activities but I’m not surprised. Succuss is often the result of many different behaviors, rituals, standards, and activities that culminate into an output we perceive as achievement. With that said, here are 7 things many successful leaders do that resonated with me. Most of which, I continue working on myself.

Build a Strong Support Network

“Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults that we would like. It’s the only way we grow.” George Lucas

Almost no one, or at least no one I’ve come across or heard of, has achieved leadership success on their own. We all need support and guidance to help us along our unfamiliar journey. Mentorship is about bringing up someone who is less experienced and providing guidance and direction. Sometimes that mentorship is about having a person to which you can vent or talk you down “off the ledge” so to speak. Overall, having coaches and mentors is a powerful asset toward developing into the leader you want to become.

Find someone – or several “someone(s)” – you admire and inspire to emulate as a leader and make them your trusted advisor.

Build Strong Teams

Build a team so strong you don’t know who the leader is.” Unknown

One of the most common attributes that come up about successful leaders has nothing to do with the leader but the people they bring on board their team.  Countless successful leaders attribute their success to those around them. Considered leaders of governments. One of the first acts they perform once they are given their power is pick cabinet members who will advise them and help make decisions.

Author Marissa Meyers is credited with a quote that perfectly highlights the message I want to convey when she says “If You’re the Smartest Person in the Room, You’re in the Wrong Room.” 

Many novice leaders make this mistake. You don’t have to know everything or be the expert on every subject. In fact, that’s unrealistic and you will save yourself a great deal of disappointment and failure if you accept that fact now. The successful leaders are great at identifying highly talented team members and leveraging their skills and knowledge to help deliver their vision and purpose. Want to be a successful leader, gather a team around you that is smarter and more talented than you are!


“An unwillingness to listen is too common among poor leaders.” John C. Maxwell

I have to admit, I was really bad at listening and hearing at the start of professional leadership career. In my pursuit to prove I was a good leader, and my desire to want to move up the leadership ladder, I trusted myself more than allowing others to weight in and give their perspective. I had the tendency to believe I knew it all, I knew the best way, and that the team should just follow along. This resulted in me being overbearing and micromanage my team. Needless to say, not listening and trusting my team created countless issues such as poor work-life balance for me and dissention in the team.   

Listening is powerful in that is helps you acquire and absorb information and it helps you to relate and connect better with others. Listening to your team does not mean you do everything they suggest but it gives them a sense of value, provides various perspective to solving problems, and may just develop more efficient and streamlined processes that ultimately could cut costs and increase revenue. Not to mention, listening can provide you honest and needed feedback towards helping you perpetually grow as a leader.


“Every great leader is a great teacher, and the greatest leaders seize every opportunity to teach well.” Albert Mohler

Successful leaders understand they never get to a point where they stop teaching and developing others. I remember as a novice leader how frustrated I would sometimes get because I felt like I never got to the point where I didn’t have to say the same messages multiple times. We are imperfect leaders leading imperfect people. One of my own leadership breakthroughs came when I had an epiphany that we will never reach perfection. I will always have to teach and train, and that’s why my role was important to the team. 

That realization unloaded a block of stress I carried on my shoulders and properly redirected my efforts as the leader. It was leadership life changing for me. So, if you want to develop into a great leader, become a great teacher.  

Serve Others

“If Serving Is Below You, Leadership is Beyond You.” Bishop Dale Bronner

The greatest leaders have learned that the people are not there to serve them but they are there to serve the people. If you are newer to leadership, you may be thinking that does not make much sense; the people have to do what the leader says or things don’t get done. Technically, you are correct- the leader provides the directions and the people carry them out. However, successful leaders understand that even though they are the ones calling the shots their ultimate purpose is in service to the team and the greater good of the whole.

Servant leadership is based on the idea that authority is more important than power, and that focus on empowering and uplifting others instead of personal gain is critical to everyone’s success. The principles of servant leadership – WGU 

In essence, servitude by the leader is a mindset where the needs of the team or group are greater than their own. Novice leaders would benefit from developing servant leadership skills and thought processes as this has many benefits such as higher team moral and strong organization culture. Higher moral and strong culture almost always equate to better performance and outputs.

Don’t Stress Out

“True leadership is tested and proved in crises. The real leader is the one who can handle the stress. He is the one who can solve the problems, bear the burdens, find the solutions, and win the victories when everyone else is merely flustered, confounded, and perplexed.” John Macarthur

That’s easier said than done. I get it too. I stress out all the time but remember I highlighted traits not based on my strengths but what resonated with me in my research…and this definitely resonated with me. Stress is inevitable part of life but it’s how you handle and work through the stresses that define you as a leader.

Managing stress effectively starts with you. Take time regularly to make sure your mental and physical well-being is good which helps to alleviate stress. Likewise, if you feel overwhelmed or find yourself in a stressful state, take time to step away, focus your mind and thoughts, and set your perspective before address the issues before you. Leverage your team and delegate tasks which will allow you to focus on fewer, more critical concerns. 

How Do Good Leaders Manage Stress? How great insights for the high pressure role of a leader. Be sure to read the post. 

Continue Learning

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” John F. Kennedy

Never stop learning! This is by far the best advice I could give any leader. This is also advice I personally follow. I shared earlier that we are imperfect leaders leading imperfect people. With that acknowledgement comes the responsibility to strive for flawlessness and continue to develop as a leader. We may never achieve perfection. However, our pursuit of being the best leader possible will lead to making lasting and life changing impacts with our people, our businesses, our families and our communities.

Here are some ways you can continue your leadership learning:

  • Take courses: college, online, certifications
  • Read Books on leadership
  • Read Blogs like Novice Leader
  • Watch POD Casts and videos on leadership development

Share Your Thoughts

What are some things you do that help you be successful in leadership

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Don’t forget- You are the Leader You Choose to Be!


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