Congratulations on your new leadership position! You are embarking on an exciting and challenging journey as a new leader. The rewards of successful leadership are great, but the challenges can be daunting. Leadership is not a position or a title, it’s an approach and a mindset. And like any skill, it can be learned and perfected with practice. The right training for leadership development will get you going in the right direction.

If you’re new to leadership or aspire to be a leader someday, know that there are many resources and training opportunities available to help you hone your craft. Here’s advice to get you started on your leadership journey. We’ve put together this guide for new leaders. Bon voyage!

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership to me is more than just having authority. It’s about having an understanding and respect for the team of people you lead. As well as being able to demonstrate a collective vision and strategy among them. That isn’t something that can be completely taught in leadership training programs either. Rather it should be recognized, accepted, and appreciated within each leadership training program.

Leadership should be encouraged by creating opportunities to learn from mistakes and successes. Training programs should teach skills such as communication, collaboration, empathy, and problem-solving for all leadership levels. This means that leadership comes with responsibility. The responsibility to help people thrive by providing them with guidance and resources necessary for success.

Leadership means helping others to reach their full potential. Leadership training programs allow individuals to hone their leadership skills and make a meaningful impact on their respective communities. It is more than just following a set of rules or judging criteria. It’s unleashing individual creativity and resourcefulness while maintaining an organized focus toward a common goal.

Effective leaders have the energy, vision, and drive to push teams through even the most difficult challenges. Leadership training programs provide a unique opportunity for participants to develop leadership qualities that can be applied in both personal and professional life. Through leadership programs, those affected by leadership will gain the skills to become strong change-agents in their organizations. Able to work with team dynamics and encourage initiative taking.

5 Tips On Training for New Leaders

1) Find a mentor who can help build leadership skills

Establishing relationships with senior leaders and senior level executives can be especially valuable for ambitious individuals looking to learn, develop, and grow. Mentorship is an important tool to strengthen leadership skills. Mentoring can help gain insight regarding decision-making processes and form lasting connections with a seasoned leader. Researching potential mentors ahead of time can be beneficial in determining if the individual’s experience matches well with your desired career trajectory.

The key is to invest the necessary time and energy into seeking out established leaders and senior level executives that can help guide you through the complexities of leadership training and development. If you meet someone who possesses true leadership qualities and expertise that goes beyond a mandatory job title or educational background, then it could be worth exploring further as a possible mentor relationship.

2) Join or create a study group to discuss leadership theory and practice

Participating in a leadership group can be an incredibly beneficial experience. It offers the chance to network, discuss leadership styles, and essential leadership skills. Groups help focus on team building and receive ongoing support towards understanding leadership theory and practice.

Collaboration with other ethical leaders is a key part of leadership development. These groups will provide insight into the skills needed to be an effective leader. Considering joining or creating such a study group. This is an opportunity that should not be overlooked as it could prove invaluable for furthering career goals and bettering leadership skills overall.

Be sure to join the Novice Leader community to get resources, advice and support as well as get connected to a community of leaders to help you build your leadership abilities.

3) Create a personal development plan

Creating a personal development plan to become a successful leader means taking time to identify leadership training opportunities. Consider exploring leadership training programs, leadership training courses, or certificate programs that offer leadership-oriented lessons. Online leadership academies are also great resources for anyone aspiring to become an effective leader.

Books and articles about leadership can also supplement the learning process. Articles about leadership topics such as motivation, communication, decision-making, and problem-solving can serve as a valuable source of knowledge.

There is no one–size-fits all approach to leadership. Instead, forge your own leadership path by doing research and studying other successful leaders. This type of effort is essential in achieving success and growing into your leadership style.

10 Development Objectives to Elevate Your Leadership is a great Novice Leader article that shares advice on some of the important skills every leader needs. Be sure to check it out to support your work building your development plan!

4) Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to leadership development

Professional development and leadership training are essential for individuals looking to level-up their career leading people. Some of the best ways to develop your skills and learn from influential individuals is by attending workshops, seminars, and conferences related to leadership development.

Not only do such events provide an opportunity to make meaningful connections with peers, but downloadable resources and handouts from the presentations can offer professional certificates that recognize your efforts as well.

Don’t just look externally. Many organizations and businesses understand the importance of supporting leadership growth. They may offer leadership training programs you can take advantage of in-house. Some companies will even cover the cost of you participating in an online leadership training course or management and leadership course. So make sure to see what resources you may have available to you.

Investing in yourself is always a wise decision since it has a direct impact on one’s personal growth, both professionally and personally.

5) Be active in your community

Participating in leadership training programs, volunteering and getting involved in leadership courses is an excellent way to strengthen your community. From joining boards and committees to learning more about local politics, these activities can help you develop leadership skills that can be used in many areas of life.

Furthermore, engaging with your community allows you to witness firsthand the positive effects of leadership as it plays an important role in improving communities. Volunteering also demonstrates good citizenship and can provide leadership skills that employers often look for when filtering through job candidates.

In addition, getting involved helps you better understand the needs of your city or town and how leadership efforts can shape its future. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to be active in your community, consider taking some non-profit leadership training courses, joining boards or committees, and participating in local politics.

Leadership is not a destination

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. Follow these suggestions not just for today but for the life of your leadership career! While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what makes a great leader, by taking the time to invest in your own growth and development, you’ll be on your way to reaching your leadership potential.

Share Your Thoughts

You may be a natural leader. Most have to work at it. Does not matter whether we are natural leaders or not, we ALL have to continuously put in development work to grow and reach our full leadership potential.

What type of leadership training do you feel you need most at this stage of your leadership career? 

Post your comments below in the comment box.


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Don’t Forget – You ARE the Leader you Choose to Be!

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