Hey there, new leader! Whether you’re fresh out of leadership training or you’ve been in the trenches for a while, one thing’s for sure: assessment is key to success. And we’re here to help. In this ultimate guide to leadership skills assessment, we’ll cover everything from why assessment is so important to how you can go about doing it effectively. We’ll also share some resources and tips that will help you get started on the path towards your leadership effectiveness.

Defining leadership skills

Leadership is something undeniably unique and special. It requires a combination of competencies that are difficult to master yet infinitely rewarding when achieved. At the most basic level, leadership is about inspiring others around you to reach new heights. And leadership qualities can be learned and practiced in any environment from families to business teams.

Through leadership competencies such as emotion management, fostering relationships, good communication, and having a holistic vision with strong execution skills, anyone has the potential to make their presence felt in a leadership role. Ultimately, leadership success lies in finding balance between these competencies and using them effectively up against challenging situations.

Why assessment is important

A leadership assessment is important because it can provide invaluable feedback that will help enhance decisions, leadership skills, and plans of action. Assessing general leadership traits is particularly helpful. It provides a consistent way to evaluate leadership potential and strength. All while taking into account any past experiences or achievements that have shaped a leader’s performance.

Understanding leadership strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement allows for individuals to work on becoming better leaders for their teams and organizations. Whether that is through self-assessments or leadership assessments made by peers and superiors. In other words, the more assessment opportunities we have the better equipped organizations are in fostering leadership excellence!

The benefits of assessing leadership skills

Leadership is often a broad concept, encompassing a range of competencies and capabilities. Thankfully, leadership assessments provide an excellent tool to lean into leadership development. This is done by defining target leadership behaviors and assessing leadership strengths and weaknesses. Assessing leadership talents allows leaders to construct developmental plans, focusing on maximizing raw talent as well as fine-tuning soft skills.

Actions taken through a leadership assessment can make it possible for businesses to develop strategies that require leadership change without tearing apart the corporate fabric. Allowing them to find the perfect balance between stability, career growth, and innovation. Itā€™s no wonder why this invaluable process has become such a popular component in leadership growth plans.

The challenges of assessing leadership skills

Assessing leadership skills can be a tricky endeavor. That is because leadership is not a one-size-fits-all quality. Leadership assessment tools make an attempt to look at key qualifications like leadership aptitude and communication ability. However, these alone can’t tell us everything we need to know about an individual’s leadership capability. A leadership assessment involves looking across multiple areas and requires an understanding of particular leadership elements. While leadership assessment tools can offer helpful insights, they may fail to address the nuances, complexities and subtleties associated with assessing leadership potential

To truly assess leadership qualities, individual leaders and organizations have to rely on a combination of leadership assessment methods. Along with traditional performance reviews and other methods of evaluation. As the best leaders will often come in unexpected packages, it’s important to keep an open mind and use a variety of assessment methods in order to get the most effective evaluation possible.

How to assess leadership skills

Appraising leadership qualities can be a daunting task, but there are a plethora of leadership assessment resources available to help complete this task. Evaluating leadership qualities honestly and effectively allows individuals to identify potential areas for improvement and build exemplary leadership.

Leadership assessments can include items such as personal integrity, trustworthiness, and organizational commitment. As well as, creativity, self-motivation and communication effectiveness. All of which are important components when setting a successful leadership foundation. Cultivating leadership encourages growth for the organization and its individual members alike. So assessing leadership skills thoughtfully and intentionally is essential in creating an environment of success.

Leadership Self-Assessment

Leader self-assessments can provide insightful information to those who are open to the process and honest in their responses. While it’s true that not all assessments are created equal, a likely indicator of a successful assessment outcome is an individual’s level of willingness to engage and accurately reflect upon their own leadership strengths and weaknesses. Leaders should be aware of how critical it is to approach these assessments with an open mind in order to get the maximum benefit from them. With the right interpretation of your results, you can determine what areas need refinement and come out on top as a confident leader.

Paid Self-Assessments

There are many resources available to help leaders complete a leadership assessment. Some of the most popular and widely used are:

  • Gallup’s CliftonStrenghts. Gallup offers the CliftonStrengths for Manager and CliftonStrengths for Leaders both at the time of this article posting for $39.99
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Myer-Briggs offers a number of different personality and leadership products. Many of which are less than $100
  • DISC assessment. This is a personal assessment tool with the goal of helping participants get a better understanding of themselves and others. DISC has many tests and assessments. Work of Leaders profile is one of their leadership self-assessments that currently runs for $135.

Many companies and organizations make investments in the development of their leaders. Many provide internal or external leadership assessment tools at now cost to their team as part of an organizational leadership development program. Others may not provide them directly but may reimburse qualified employees or purchase an assessment on their behalf. Before making an investment on your own, reach out to your manager, HR or company representative to see what options you may have available.Ā 

Free Assessments

There are many benefits to using paid assessments but if purchasing a leadership assessment is not an option, no worries. You can still conduct a quality self-assessment using free leadership assessment tools.

Picking a good free online leadership self-assessment tool doesn't need to be overly complicated.

First, consider whether questions are targeted enough to capture your leader abilities in a meaningful way – can they help you both analyze and understand your unique leadership skills and identify areas for improvement?

Additionally, determine if the assessment truly measures what it is meant to measure – is there an emphasis on core leader credentials such as making strategic decisions, driving collaboration, and ensuring execution?

Finally, make sure you review results of the test carefully as this will provide clues about how your personal talents stack up against expected industry standards.

With all these components considered, any leader seeking to further develop personal proficiency can rest assured that the most effective assessments are within reach without spending any money!

Leadership assessment through constructive feedback

The other perspective to getting a high quality leadership assessment is from external feedback. Positive, effective leadership requires continuous development and improvement. A leader needs to proactively seek out reliable and unbiased feedback on their performance if they wish to be the best leader they can be.

Leaders can get quality feedback from external means, such as 360 degree reviews. 360 degree reviews are a great way for a leader to understand areas where they need to focus on improvement.

With that being said, when it comes to an assessment, leaders must also rely upon their current and former managers, colleagues, peers, mentors, subordinates. The different perspectives will provide for a more accurate assessment of how well they are performing in their role.Ā 

The 360 Degree Review

A typical 360 degree review process begins with a leader’s self-assessment.Ā  Allowing him or her to provide insightful answers about their strengths and weaknesses. Following the self-assessment, leaders receive assessments from their manager, colleagues, teammates and sometimes even subordinates. These assessments are focused on assessing the leader in areas such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, problem-solving abilities and team collaboration. Finally, all evaluations are collated and summarized into one report. This consolidation of data helps provide insight to empower leaders to become better versions of themselves. This detailed analysis allows others to pinpoint areas that require improvement and then take steps towards development.

Ultimately, by engaging in 360 degree reviews a leader can leverage the perspectives of others to improve their overall leadership style and create a more rewarding working environment for everyone involved. Just like self-assessment there are paid and free options for 360 reviews.

Paid 360 degree assessments

Leader assessment programs, such as Survey Sparrow and Survey Monkey, offer a comprehensive approach to better understand the ways in which leaders are performing. Every level of an organization can provide perspectives about how effective a leader is in their current role.Ā  As well as provide valuable data for measuring their progress. Additionally, since participants remain anonymous during these reviews, honest and candid feedback about the leader’s strengths and weaknesses is welcome.

The downfall of such programs lies in the cost, particularly for an individual leader looking to use them independently. Typically 360 degree review programs are software applications that work best with larger organizations or companies.

Free 360 degree assessments

Online options for 360 degree reviews are available for free. To determine if the free version you’ve chosen is a good one, consider its structure, duration and complexity of the questions it contains. Many of the free versions do not provide anonymous assessment for participants, so that can be a major disadvantage as compared to paid versions.

Self Stir has a free online 360-degree review option at selfstir.com. They promise there is no commitment, time limits, or charge for their individual 360 degree feedback.

Getting started with your leadership assessment

To review -embark on your assessment process from two approaches. The first is a self-assessment which allows you to reflect on yourself as a leader, what strengths you possess, and what areas need improvement. The second is leader assessments done by others to provide an outside perspective which can be immensely valuable to help develop and hone your leadership abilities.

No matter which activity you choose to pursue first, itā€™s important to remember that taking the time for ongoing practices of assessment will benefit you in the long run.

Tips for making the most of your skills assessment

Leader assessments are an important tool in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of not just individual team members, but also the entire organization. You want to find assessments that can help you identify gaps and evaluate four essential areas for effective leaders: individual leadership skills, social skills, strategic prowess and management savvy.

Assessing one’s ability in communication, problem-solving, decision-making, interviewing experience and business acumen is essential for identifying any areas of improvement in terms of individual leadership. Social competency such as conflict management and team building should also be assessed so that leaders can better understand their emotional intelligence levels.

Leader assessment further requires taking into account a leader’s strategic thinking, foresight and ability to take data and make decisions for the long-term benefit of the organization.

Finally, operations, process management, and workflow management are critical pieces of any leader assessment program to ensure success within daily function of the organization. No matter what type of leader assessment you choose, look at reviews that assess these four areas so you can have a more accurate picture of your leader’s performance potential.

You have complete control of your outcome

Assessments can feel daunting and overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. Think of assessments as opportunities to identify your unique strengths and identify any gaps in knowledge or experience. Both in professional and leadership settings. If you approach assessments with a feeling of optimism and enthusiasm, then you are already one step ahead. Take stock of all the hard work that you’ve put in and use it to develop a plan of action to fill those identified gaps. After all, knowledge is POTENTIAL power. Seize the moment and get ready for the next level of your professional life!

Understand what leadership abilities are important to your personal and company’s success and invest time in assessing those qualities in yourself and others. By taking the time to do a personal assessment, you can identify areas that need improvement and create a development plan that will turn you into an even more valuable asset to your organization. Leadership assessments aren’t always easy, but regardless of your current leadership style they’re worth the effort.

Share Your Thoughts

What have been some of the obstacles you have faced trying to get an accurate assessment of your leadership ability?Ā 

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Donā€™t Forget ā€“ You ARE the Leader you Choose to Be!

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