Team Motivation Suggestions for New Leaders

Team Success and motivated

The ability to motivate a team is important because a leaderā€™s greatest asset is their team. Many new leaders, however, do not understanding how to motivate a team or where to start. One of the best things a new leader can accomplish as they start in their role as manager is gain the support and buy-in of their people. This task is not always easy, or automatic, and most times takes effort and focus. Thatā€™s when having the skills to build and maintain a motivated staff is valuable. A motivated workforce has higher production, provides better insight and ideas, tends to be more loyal which increases employee retention, and often attracts similarly minded employees to the team.

ā€œThe best way to predict the future is to create it.ā€ Peter Drucker

Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Motivation is driven intrinsically (internally) and extrinsically (externally). I feel comfortable making the general statement that most employees are intrinsically motivated when they start a new job that THEY wanted to have. However, overtime things happen that can demotivate them. You as the leader cannot motivate your staff internally. Your focus should be on creating a culture and environment that extrinsically motives and generates enthusiastic energy.

Reward and Punishment

Itā€™s important that I mention the motivation can come in the form of reward or punishment. An example of motivating by punishment would be informing someone that if they arrive late one more time, they will not get an annual pay increase. Although motiving with punishment is sometimes necessary it should not be widely used as motivation with reward is more sustainable.Ā 

ā€œMotivation is one of the driving forces behind human behavior. It fuels competition and sparks social connection. Its absence can lead to mental illnesses such as depression. Motivation encompasses the desire to continue striving toward meaning, purpose, and a life worth living. ā€œ Psychology Today.

Your motivational efforts should focus on emphasizing employee value and highlighting progress. Humans are happiest and most fulfilled when they feel valued and when they are making progress.

How to Motivate a Team

Here are examples of ways you can build and maintain a motivated team:

Examples of activities that emphasis value

  • Provide resources to adequately perform job functions
  • Effective behavior/skill focused coaching
  • Regular feedback
  • Formal performance reviews
  • Employee surveys or related processes that allow employees to give feedback upward
  • Merit increases
  • Job benefits and allowing them to enjoy them
  • Recognition and appreciation

Examples of activities that highlight progress

  • Provide meaningful work tied into the organizationā€™s mission and vision
  • Quality training
  • Individual development plans
  • Regular feedback
  • Performance reviews
  • Internal mobility and promotions
  • Merit increases

Share Your Thoughts

In the comment box below, tell us how you motivate your employees.

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