Building a team is similar to making a great dish. You could throw some random ingredients together. Then pray they taste good. But that’s not usually how those mouth-watering bites come to be. A great dish starts with some calculated planning. Figuring out what that flavor experience you want once you sit down to eat. Then the ingredients need to be gathered. The better the quality, the better the flavor. Of course, the method used to cook matters, otherwise it’s a waste of time and effort. Most memorable meals went through much trial and error. After tweaking and adjusting, they often never end up following the created recipe. How to build teams that thrive is done just like a chef who creates a masterpiece entrĆ©e.

What Does It Mean to Build a Team?

A Chef works to get all the spices and ingredients to blend perfectly for the desired flavor profile. If done incorrectly, some of the flavors can overpower the dish or not stand out at all, spoiling the eating experience.

Custom Chef Pic

Team construction is a perpetual exercise of cultivating group members into a cooperative group to accomplish desired goals. Cultivating an effective team is keeping individual members from being individuals and working as an integrated group. Collaborative efforts of the many are the leverage to deliver more wide-scale results.Ā 

Why is it important to build a strong team?

Customer Burger

Just like a single patty does not hold up to a delicious burger, the most talented and skilled individual is not comparable to a well-functioning, successful team. Building a strong team is an essential element of any successful business or organization. It is the leader who must ensure the development of each individual team member. The leader must also build upon their strengths to create a cohesive and capable group.

As any great chef knows, building teams that can effectively and efficiently work together to form the foundation of a successful kitchen. That translates into any organization or business just the same. When a team is unified, they can more effectively overcome any obstacle. Resulting in a united force in solving problems and achieving success. Developing a team in such a manner pays off greatly, allowing them to build each other up instead of competing against one another.

Team-building is an essential step to reaching the pinnacle of success. Nothing beats being part of a successful team. It’s exhilarating being able to look around you and see the entire team succeeding because of each other’s efforts. Itā€™s truly gratifying to witness the power of your team coming together in innovative ways and seeing them develop into formidable forces!

What are the stages of team building?

When making a great dish, patience is key. You want to build your team just like you build a recipe, step by step! Following each stage of the recipe carefully. Paying attention to the ingredients is essential to developing scrumptious cuisine.

A healthcare research study “Maximizing Team Performance: The Critical Role of the Nurse Leader” used Bruce Tuckman’s widely accepted 1960ies Model of Group Development as a guiding framework to examine the role of nursing leaders in facilitating the development of high-performing change teams.

It’s helpful to know and understand the team’s stages for team construction. Tuckman’s Model of Group Development proposed four development stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. For each phase, the healthcare research study identified specific leadership strategies that can help build high-performing teams, as well as keys to leader success.Ā 


According to Bruce Tuckman’s model of team development, the forming stage is an essential part for building successful teams. This is the time for getting the right mix of team members.Ā  During this stage, the goal of leadership strategy should be coordinating behaviors. In other words, to build relationships among team members quickly and create a productive environment.

It’s important to remember that during this process, the keys to success include purposefully picking the team, facilitating them to identify common goals, and ensuring that everyone on board develops a shared mental model. As you get the team started on their mission and have them build a sense of unity and trust with each other, it will pay off in huge ways! As John C Maxwell stated regarding team building: “None of us is as smart as all of us” ā€“ let’s use this opportunity to build amazing teams together!


At the Storming stage of Bruce Tuckman’s model of team development, developing a team is about building trust and overcoming resistance. The key to success for this stage is to act as a resource person to the team and build mutual trust so the team can move on. As a leader, your job is to provide coaching behaviors, Accomplish this by facilitating dialogue between team members, thereby calming the work environment.

Successful teams use these coaching behaviors to build consensus and generate commitment. Through open communication and collaboration, leaders construct teams with increased resilience and confidence, which are essential for long-term success. By encouraging positive behaviors, you not only elevate the team but also build strong relationships within them.


In Norming, Bruce Tuckman’s model of team development recognizes this transitional stage as the period of understanding and respect. During this stage, teams build constructive relationships with each other. They also establish clear roles and communication guidelines. The leadership strategy for Norming is empowering behaviors – encouraging team members to build on their strengths. Furthermore, come up with creative solutions to tackle projects together. Keys to success in this stage involve getting feedback from staff, allowing for the transfer of leadership roles, and setting aside time for planning and engaging the team.

These elements build trust within teams and motivate them to work smarter together, leading to greater success. As a team leader, take the reins in inspiring your colleagues through goal-setting exercises. Continue the work with discussions about what it takes to build a successful team. With some guidance, you can help create an environment that allows your team to express themselves authentically and reach new heights together!


The final stage in Bruce Tuckman’s model of team development is Performing. At this point, leaders should use a supportive behavior leadership strategy. This means both recognizing individual team member achievements and providing general support to build better teams.

Additionally, there are some keys to success that can guide teams during this final stage. They include allowing flexibility in team roles, assisting in the timing and selection of new members, and creating future leadership opportunities. At this point, the existing team is functioning well and these keys will help sustain the momentum.

Successful teams require clear goals with well-defined paths to reach them, as well as, trust between all team members within each stage of team development. Every chef knows that these ingredients create the perfect recipe for an effective team!

How is a team developed?

Alright now, let’s build a team! There is nothing more satisfying than building a solid team of skilled and motivated individuals. Developing a team requires thoughtful consideration of individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as shared goals. Likewise, developing a team is not without its difficulties, but it can be incredibly rewarding once all the pieces are in place.

Through the process of forming relationships, learning each other’s strengths, overcoming challenges together, and building trust and mutual respect – an amazing organization can take shape. Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. Take risks and be creative when developing your team. Here are some strategies you can follow to move you toward that great team. Let’s get cookin’!

Establish the Team Culture and Dynamics

Creating and establishing a team culture is a vital but often overlooked part of building a team. It sets out the parameters and ground rules of how the team will work together. It also makes specific expectations for communication, respect, and accountability between members. As a leader, itā€™s important to clearly communicate and set expectations while encouraging enthusiasm within the team.

Good teamwork is like good cooking – ingredients coming together to build something more powerful than what could have been accomplished individually. Achieving this begins with understanding the personalities, strengths, and needs of every individual. This will help to create an environment that allows them to collaborate effectively towards a common goal. Establishing a positive atmosphere can be tough but when done right it’s both rewarding and fulfilling! So bon appĆ©tit!

Focus on development (keep moving towards better)

When it comes to building teams, having a leader who focuses on the development and growth of their team is essential! A great leader understands that in order to build a strong successful team, they must first build up the individual players.

“Success is achieved through persistence and dedication,”Ā 

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A leader has the important job of motivating their team and keeping everyone focused on progressing. They act as a cheerleader when necessary, offering guidance whenever needed and helping to propel their team toward success. By doing this, a leader can help build a unified atmosphere in which each player can grow to build strong relationships with one another. Focusing on the development and growth of your team takes effort and commitment but can ultimately pay off in dividends down the line with an incredible outcome!

Have Regular Intervals for Reflection and Evaluation

Building a team is an exciting pursuit, and I’ve come to realize that self-reflection and evaluation are essential components of the journey. Leaders should set aside time on a regular basis to evaluate the team’s performance, identify areas for improvement, the effectiveness of collaboration and relationships within the team, and assess the team environment.

It’s totally fine – in fact, I’d say it’s important – to course correct if needed. After all, when it comes to building a successful team, there is no such thing as a wrong turn along the path. The key is being open to adjustments so that each step brings you closer to success!

Make Change Management Part of the Team Culture

Good leaders know that adapting to change is crucial in developing effective teams. As champions of change and quick adopters, the benefits to both the individual team members and the whole organization are immense! It’s important for team members to be open-minded and supportive of each other during times of transition and it takes someone at the top to encourage them forward.

This could involve implementing more flexible working conditions, offering innovative training opportunities, or providing additional resources that create an environment where everyone feels fully supported. What we come out with at the end is a team who not only progress in alignment with changes within their industry or job role but are excited about investing in their own development too. The objective is to construct teams who are not just ready for tomorrow but really eager for it too!

Leverage Your Leadership Skills

Teams are the backbone of any organization, and the success or failure of any team lies in the hands of its leader. Great teams start with great leaders. Leading a team requires stellar leadership skills like effective communication, emotional intelligence, and solving conflicts competently.

For example, effective communication between leaders and their followers is the foundation of mutual trust, understanding, and respect ā€“ these are necessary components of any productive team environment. Leaders build credibility when they practice emotional intelligence, demonstrating fairness and an appreciation for diversity within their team. Lastly, working through conflicts creatively with the help of key leadership skills can lead to innovative solutions that have a positive overall impact on team morale and productivity. These are just 3 examples of leadership skills among countless that leaders leverage and need to continually sharpen.Ā 

Leaders who do not focus on their continual leadership development will struggle to build a strong, effective, and robust team. Likewise, it is important to understand the value of continually working on their leadership abilities so they can build an even better team that has close-knit bonds.Ā  This kind of motivated teamwork is what creates impactful results! So gather your squad and fire up those leadership skills within you ā€” you won’t regret it!

Here are 3 Novice Leader articles that are great reads for taking your leadership skill to the next level, be sure to check them out:

Now It's Up to You

Cooking a great dish may seem daunting at times. If you follow the steps of the recipe and use quality ingredients, you can create something that tastes absolutely amazing. The same is true for building a thriving team. Prepare well, using the right tools and people. Be willing to make adjustments along the way. You will create an unstoppable team that will accomplish great things.

Custom 2 Chefs

Give these tips a try and see how they work for you. Who knows? You may even find yourself cooking up some championship-level teams in no time!

Thank you!

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Donā€™t Forget ā€“ You ARE the Leader you Choose to Be!

Share Your Thoughts

We want to hear from you. If you have already had success with putting together a great team, what are some of the team-building activities that have been successful in helping you build a high-performing team?Ā 


If you are just starting out, what do you see as your greatest challenge and how do you plan to overcome it?Ā 


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