One of the most impactful tasks a frontline leader can do and should do is coaching employees. The leaderā€™s objective is influencing change and delivering the vision, mission, and objective of the team. Effective communication lays the foundation for this work while effective coaching enables the results. Effective coaching has many benefits for all involved ā€“ the employee, the manager, the team, the organization, and the company culture.

What is Coaching in Leadership and People Management?

Coaching for leaders- particularly newer leaders- can be difficult and intimidating but having grit and getting out of your comfort zone will be important. Coaching the team is an integral part of leadership. Effective leaders do not exist without good coaching skills. Coaching means working with each individual to help them develop the skills and techniques necessary for success in their role and within the organization as a whole.Ā 

Coaching can involve providing feedback, encouragement, guidance, and mentoring. It also helps create an environment of trust and collaboration between managers and employees that allows everyone to work together more effectively. When done correctly, coaching can empower employees to take on greater responsibility for their successes, foster a stronger sense of ownership in the workplace, and lead to improved performance outcomes overall.

As John C Maxwell famously said: ā€œLeadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts; it is about one life influencing another.ā€ Coaching employees is all about positively influencing their abilities in their current or potential roles. By taking the time to listen, understand and mentor employees, leaders can develop strong relationships with those they lead and help them become more successful. This is leadership at its best!

Constructive feedback is not only beneficial for employees, but it is also good for the organization as well. Coached employees often are better communicators, have higher morale and motivation, are more likely to stay with the company longer, and work together more effectively as a team.Ā 

Coaching also provides an opportunity for managers to assess performance on an individual basis and identify areas of improvement quickly without creating unnecessary barriers between staff members and managers. With improved communication and team collaboration, comes increased creativity and innovation which leads to better overall organizational success.

Why is coaching so important in leadership?

It helps to develop and improve the skill set of the team. Coaching helps support employees, improves motivation, and creates a culture in the organization of trust and transparency. Likewise, effective coaching helps improves efficiency, production, and better results.

ā€œThe process of coaching is an amazing way to create positive change. It includes providing feedback, asking open-ended questions, and providing direction and encouragement. Thatā€™s all very easy to say, but it can be a challenge to implement amongst the many other imperatives of a managerā€™s job.ā€ Angela MacDonald, Coaching Expert

Coaching is one of the key skills of effective leadership because it allows leaders to build trust and rapport with their team. It enables the leader to learn what motivates team members, develop their strengths, and identify areas for improvement. Coaching encourages employees to take ownership of their work, promoting better working relationships between managers and employees. By coaching staff in the right way, a manager can help them become more effective at their job and reach higher goals. Coaching also helps to foster an environment that celebrates successes which encourages employee engagement and retention.

Effective coaching skill also has benefits for the person developing the coaching. Coaching is a skill that should be on all leader’s ongoing personal development plans. Effective coaching helps leaders learn to have high-value conversations, improve on other leadership skills such as emotional intelligence and strong communication skills, and develop professionally. Proficient coaching skills will build self confidence and make for a better leader.

In short, effective coaching helps create strong relationships between leadership and employees, leading to a successful organization where everyone thrives. Contructive feedback has the power to inspire teams toward greater heights and create long-term wins.

When should a leader coach?

Short answer, all the time. I encourage you as a leader to develop a coaching mindset that will help you intuitively recognize the many opportunities you come across to deliver impact by means of instruction and guidance to your team.

Joseph R. Weintraub and James M. Hunt allude to this point in their Harvard Business Review Article in this quote,

ā€œWhat has stood out in our interviews with hundreds of managers who do coach their direct reports is their mindset: They believe in the value of coaching, and they think about their role as a manager in a way that makes coaching a natural part of their managerial toolkit.ā€

Effective coaching adds value in multiple ways. Itā€™s hard to declare a leader has reached leadership excellence without proficiency in the skill of coaching

How Does a Leader Coach Effectively?

There are many different styles and methods of coaching, and many leaders spend a lifetime perfecting the art of coaching. Even with the many variations of coaching, the most successful methods have similar aspects with the intent of helping the receiver of the coaching develop lasting improvement.

Ā ā€œAn effective manager-as-coach asks questions instead of providing answers, supports employees instead of judging them, and facilitates their development instead of dictating what has to be done.ā€ Herminia Ibarra and Anne Scoular with HBU

Your coaching approach should be based on a growth mindset with developing rather than reprimanding the employees. The long-term goals of coaching are a better team member, a better team, and a better company.

What are the Methods for Effectively Coaching Employees?

If you’re a leader, you know that coaching is an important part of the role as well as an important part of successful management. But what are the best methods for doing it? And how can you make sure that your coaching helps employees to improve their performance? In this section, we’ll explore some of the best processes to coach employees as a leader. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get the most out of your coaching sessions.

Leadership styles often dictate the process a leader uses. Coaches use a variety of methods to help leaders become more effective and achieve their goals. Regardless of the leadership styles you follow, there are some parts of coaching that are universal.

Formal and Informal Coaching for leadership styles

Formal coaching is something that a lot of people think about when it comes to developing their employees. This can be done in a one-on-one meeting, or even through a more formal program such as an end-of-year review process.

But there’s another side to coaching – the informal side. The informal side of coaching can have just as much impact on an employee’s development as formal coaching if used appropriately. Informal employee coaching is a great way to develop your team’s individual strengths and skills. By providing feedback and guidance in an informal setting, you can help employees reach their full potential while also fostering a more positive work environment. Informal coaching can be tailored to the needs of each employee, making it a very effective tool for leaders.

In the great scheme of leadership and coaching, the choice for formal or informal coaching is not an either-or choice. Both are useful and beneficial, and it is up to the leader to know which and when to use formal and informal methods based on the situation and desired outcome. .

Six Methods of Coaching

There are many great leaders that one can look to for best practices in leadership. John C. Maxwell is one of my favorites as he always provides great insight into numerous leadership topics. John C Maxwell, an expert on leadership and personal growth, has identified six distinct methods of effective coaching.

Modeled Behavior

The first method he suggests is modeled behavior. Coaches should lead by example and demonstrate the behaviors they value and want to see replicated in others. They can also encourage learners to make mistakes, learn from them and strive for improvement with every attempt. Coaches should provide consistent feedback to ensure that learners are progressing in the right direction.

Feed Forward

Another strategy Maxwell recommends is called ā€œfeed forwardā€, which requires coaches to listen actively and provide meaningful advice that encourages positive growth. Coaches should take the time to assess each learnerā€™s individual skills and design a plan that will lead them toward their specific goals.


The third method is teaching by questions. Coaches should ask thoughtful questions and active listening rather than just giving answers, to help learners think through problems on their own. Coaches should also create an environment of trust and confidentiality which allows learners to feel safe discussing difficult topics or issues.

Inspiration Atmosphere

The fourth method Maxwell suggests is called creating an environment of Inspiration. Coaches need to provide encouragement, support, and recognition for successful efforts, as well as constructive criticism when needed. They should strive to create an atmosphere of open communication and respect among all members of the team or organization they are working with and elevate the employee experience.

Coaching with Confidence

The fifth method Maxwell recommends is the process of Coaching with Confidence. Coaches should be confident in their abilities and demonstrate a level of faith in their learnersā€™ potential. Coaches need to provide an environment that stimulates growth and encourages progress, while still maintaining a sense of safety and security for everyone involved.

Using Empathy

Finally, Maxwell suggests Coaching with Empathy as the sixth method of effective coaching. Coaches should strive to understand the feelings and thoughts of those they are working with, so they can better relate to them on a personal level. Coaches must also recognize that no two people learn in the same way and create methods that best suit everyoneā€™s needs.

Considering Your Coaching Process

When considering a coaching method to adapt and learn, looks for a process that includes some version of these steps:

  • Sets expectations and establishes the baseline for performance and execution
  • Asks questions to gain clear understanding
  • Active listening
  • Provides feedback- both positive and constructive
  • Develops a plan to improve performance and adapt proper behavior(s)
  • Follows ups, evaluates progress, and provides feedback
Teaching the Chef

With many processes, consistency and commitment will help produce the best results. Likewise, stay pure in your intent to help your employee or team member and focus on observed behaviors or skill without attacking the person. Ā Ā Ā Ā 

It's Up to You

Congratulations! You have completed the first step towards long-term success and developing into a great leader by recognizing the need to effectively coach. The next step is up to you- control your leadership skill level and continue learning about how to be an effective leader. You can always improve your coaching skills, regardless of how much experience you have. It all starts with a desire to learn and grow, as well as an openness to feedback from those around you. This openness and self-awareness can help you to always adapt to the constantly changing environments you encounter. Remember, leadership is not a one-time event; itā€™s something that needs to be continually honed and developed.

Are you ready to become a good coach and the BEST coach possible for your employees?

Call to Action and Next Steps:

Effective coaching should be a part of the goal setting section of your leader development plan. Furthermore, look for coaching processes that have the elements listed above and start putting them into practice. Look within your organization first to see what coaching process they have in place. If you donā€™t have one internally, look in other places like online research.

Word of caution

Be mindful of poor coaching habits. Poor coaching can be overlooked sometimes because of short-term wins. There is a fine balance between showing someone their areas of opportunity and calling a person out as less than adequate. Coaching should be focused on helping to improve behavior and avoid belittling the received. Is about delivering constructive feedback, not destructive feedback. Leaders need to also be critical of when and where coaching takes place.

Learning new skills can be enjoyable and rewarding and there are many resources centered around the topic “coaching for leader.” Here are some tips you can use to find a coaching process that works for you:

  • Have a One on One meeting with your leader or mentor and solicit honest feedback about your coaching style and abilitiesĀ 
  • Search for and take courses: college, online, and certifications that fit your long-term goals
  • Improve your knowledge by reading leadership and business books about Coaching
  • Read Blogs like Novice Leader
  • Watch leadership and business POD Casts and videos on effective coaching

We wish you much success with both your professional development and your career development and know you will become your best selves with the right investment of work.

Thank You Note!

Thank you for visiting and reading our article. If this was beneficial to you, please share it forward to others they may benefit as well.Ā 

We understanding that not every leader has access to training, resources, mentors, and coaches. Coaching is on aspect of the leadership big picture. “What are the Top Managers Skills New Leaders Should Develop” is a must read for new managers. Likewise, Many new leaders, don’t think about the importance of managing stress. “How Do Good Leader Handle Stress?” has some great pointers to bring Zen to every leader.Ā 

Be sure to check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel as well as join the Novice leader community by signing up for our email communications group.

Share your coaching best practices and tips that have worked for you below in the comments sectionā€¦

And Donā€™t Forget ā€“ You ARE the Leader you Choose to Be!


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