History is full of prominent and successful people. Many of which we tend to regard as role models and even heroes. People like J.K. Rowling, Jay Z, Katy Perry, Robert T. Kiyosaki, and Michael Jordan. Each of these persons are well-known and accomplished in their field of expertise- and in life but each are also different. So, what’s the commonality that each one of them have that drove their individual successes?

They all believed!

The same belief in what you want can create your success and achievements too.

Here’s 3 points about the power of belief and how it can impact you:

Believe it Exist

The world is full of cynics and critics who are all quick and willing to point out all the reasons why you can’t and won’t reach your goals. Your mindset has to be in a place of total acceptance. Meaning, even if the whole world tells you it’s not possible, even if your environment says it can’t happen—YOU simply have to know in your core that it exists and it is obtainable. 

Not only that, you have to see yourself in possession of it already. You have to daydream about what it will be like after you have it. You have to SEE it as if it already has happened. If you believe it exist and you can have it, no one and no circumstance will be able to knock you off track.  

Believe You Will Find It

It took famed treasure hunter Mel Fisher over 15 years to find the sunken treasure of the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha. In fact, Mel’s motto was “Today’s the Day!” Most would have stopped searching after a few years, let alone keep at it for 15, but Mel believed he would find it—and he did! Reaching your goal, achieving your success, hitting your target depends on your commitment.

Your resolve has to be so determined that you KNOW you will make it regardless of the obstacles, challenges, or amount of time it takes. Even if you fail, get rejected, get push away or sidetracked, be insistent to get back up, redirect yourself and stay the course. We all should have the same mindset Mel had of “Today is the Day!”

Believe It is Worth It

Worth— now this is the glue that ties it all together. Why? Because worth fuels your purpose and purpose gives you the drive to persevere. Worth is what you hang on to when all else is failing. Worth is what you bathe in when everyone is making fun of your hopes and dreams. You will never fully commit to anything you don’t sincerely believe is worth the effort and sacrifice to achieve. 

What accomplished athlete do you know that trains tirelessly every day thinking it’s not worth the effort? But that relentless training is what gives them the advantage over their adversary.

What successful entrepreneur do you know who endured rejection after rejection thinking it wasn’t worth it? But that drive to fight through the “No” responses to get to that one “yes” is the difference between failure and success. So, ask yourself—is it worth it?

So What, You Were Rejected

  • J.K. Rowling was rejected 12 times trying to publish her first Harry Potter novel-12 times!
  • Jay Z was turned down by every record label and had to start his own to get his career going. He was even told by some of the labels he was too old. Well, look at him now.     
  • Katy Perry’s first record label went out of business and then she was dropped by her next 2.
  • Robert Kiyosaki’s first 2 businesses went bankrupt and he was 50 years of age when he starting coming into his success.
  • Michael Jordan is one of the greatest players to have played professional basketball. It’s well known that he was cut from his high school basketball team.

All the aforementioned believed their dream could be a reality, believed they could find it, and believed it was worth it…     



We hope this blog post has given you a better understanding of what it takes to be a great manager and has inspired you to pursue this exciting career path! You can achieve whatever you choose to BELIEVE!

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